
Struggler | (Full HD) | R Nait | Laddi Gill | Tru Makers | New Punjabi Songs2019 | Jass Records

Struggler | (Full HD) | R Nait | Laddi Gill | Tru Makers | New Punjabi Songs2019 | Jass Records

2019/07/22(Mon)にカナダ(Canada)でランキング1位。世界3ヶ国で人気のミュージックビデオ『Struggler | (Full HD) | R Nait | Laddi Gill | Tru Makers | New Punjabi Songs2019 | Jass Records』を紹介します。

Struggler | (Full HD) | R Nait | Laddi Gill | Tru Makers | New Punjabi Songs2019 | Jass Records

Struggler | (Full HD) | R Nait | Laddi Gill | New Punjabi Songs2019 | Latest Punjabi Songs 2019 | Jass Records

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To Stream & Download Full Song :

Itunes | https://music.apple.com/at/album/struggler-single/1473270348?l=en

Spotify | https://open.spotify.com/album/4ErGRjPQmoszrAZbVFBIIG

Kkbox | http://www.kkbox.com/tw/en/song/I7b00T3WMD-gLRmggLRmg0XL-index.html

Google Play | https://play.google.com/store/music/album?id=B2cd3nwimjpwwuoixcqznfqghwi&tid=song-Touanxsasgma64qfe3cwl3u2fae

Gaana | https://gaana.com/album/struggler-punjabi

Saavan | https://www.jiosaavn.com/song/struggler/OCVeCB9YQWI

Title | Struggler

Singer | R Nait

Lyrics | R Nait

Composition | R Nait

Music | Laddi Gill

Female Lead | Nikkesha

DOP | Mintoo

Video Editor | Garry Khatrao

Assistent | Shubham Malhotra

A Film By | Tru Makers

Directors | Dilsher Singh & Khushpal Singh

Publicity Design | Impressive Design Studio

Online Promotions By – Kixtix Media

Label | Jass Records

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