2021/09/20(Mon)に世界5ヶ国で人気の動画『MEAN GIRL SHAMES GOTH GIRL in Real Life to Stop Event』を紹介します。
MEAN GIRL SHAMES GOTH GIRL in Real Life to Stop Event
First, Rebecca Zamolo created 100 MYSTERY PHONES Only One Lets the PRISONER ESCAPE. Next Matt and Rebecca posted “100 Mystery Items to Drop from 60 ft Challenge.” Finally the Game Master Network created “SNEAKING INTO Daniels Mind to Find MISSING PRISONER.” Now in order to save the prisoner and stop the event Rebecca must join the mean girls in real life and become a plastic. Its just like mean girls. Maddie and Matt have to stay in character while Daniel sneaks in the computer system to get them out from being trapped. Do you think this plan will work or will Rebecca become a mean girl in real life and shame a goth girl? Thanks for watching my funny entertainment mystery vlog videos in 2021!
Our New Game Master Summer Schooled Book – http://bit.ly/TGMSummerSchooled
Our Movie on the Game Master Network App
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