2022/02/08(Tue)に世界5ヶ国で人気の動画『SURVIVING 24 HOURS in a Giant Princess Movie – Rebecca Zamolo』を紹介します。
SURVIVING 24 HOURS in a Giant Princess Movie – Rebecca Zamolo
Surviving every Princess movie might be a bad idea. It all started when Rebecca Zamolo created “Doing Everything WRONG for 24 Hours (I Ruined her First Date).” Next Matt and Rebecca posted “Pranking My Friends in Alphabetical Order” Game Master Network made “Surviving 24 HOURS Overnight in A CLASSROOM.” Now Rebecca Zamolo and her best friends Matt and Daniel, must survive every princess movie in 24 hours. It might be difficult since she is in a program. It will not be birth to death which is a surprise. What happens next is shocking as Rebecca has super powers. Do you think she can survive? Thank you for watching my funny entertainment comedy adventure vlog videos in 2022!
Our New Game Master Mansion Mystery Book – https://www.harpercollins.com/products/the-game-master-mansion-mystery-rebecca-zamolomatt-slays?variant=39715492724770
Our Movie on the Game Master Network App
Apple Store https://apps.apple.com/us/app/the-game-master-network/id1519507088
Google Play https://play.google.com/store/apps/de