
We need more people like him

We need more people like him
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2023/08/18(Fri)に世界7ヶ国で人気の動画『We need more people like him 』を紹介します。

We need more people like him

This man deserves the world! As he felt sorry for the stray dogs on the street, he prepared a huge bowl of rice for them and mixed it with some dog food! It took a while to make the whole meal ready, but the animal waited patiently until it was time to eat. After handing the paper plate to the hungry dog, he was scared to take it at first, as he wasn’t used to kindness like this.
Credit: todomichoacan on TT
Permission asked by kiraszecsodi on IG
For inquiries, please email me at nftsbybendi@gmail.com

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