
Car Damage Decorated With Looney Tunes Stickers || ViralHog

Car Damage Decorated With Looney Tunes Stickers || ViralHog
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2021/11/18(Thu)に世界18ヶ国で人気の動画『Car Damage Decorated With Looney Tunes Stickers || ViralHog』を紹介します。

Car Damage Decorated With Looney Tunes Stickers || ViralHog

Occurred on November 1, 2021 / Sydney, Australia

“My sister had damage to her car from an accident that included a sizeable dent on the passenger door. She has not got it fixed after many months, and so my stepdad (a professional signwriter) printed some stickers for the car that included Wile E. Coyote and the Road Runner. We did not tell my sister we were doing this. It created the image, like from the cartoons, that Wile E. Coyote had smacked into the side of the car.”

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